Take a look inside at the new and improved website design for Sweet Spot Studio and two of its sister concepts.
Last year, we took Sweet Spot Studio through a pretty large rebrand. This year, we have been working with them on a number of projects, including new website layouts for three out of four of their brand concepts: Sweet Spot Studio, Sweet Spot Kitchen, and Sweet Spot Cookie Club.
This project was done in collaboration with Tim Lukacik, who is an extremely talented web developer, and who also happens to be the husband of Sweet Spot owner, Jossie.
Once the design concepts were complete, we handed the lead over to Tim for him to completely code these websites from scratch. We provided mockups, all of the brand assets, and fonts for Tim to be able to finish out the project.
Sweet Spot Studio
This website is the central hub of all things Sweet Spot. It tells you about the company, the baking classes taught in the studio, and the amazing people that teach those classes. If you are in the Charlotte area, definitely take the opportunity to try one of their super fun and informative classes! Cookie decorating is harder than it looks, folks!

Sweet Spot Kitchen
Sweet Spot Kitchen is a commercial kitchen space that can be rented out by other culinary entrepreneurs in Charlotte. At this moment in time, the website is still a work in progress, so stay tuned! The website will also feature “about” pages for each business that is part of this sweet deal (extra publicity!).

Sweet Spot Cookie Club
The Sweet Spot Cookie Club delivers comprehensive cookie decorating courses to your doorstep. We provide almost all of the materials you need to complete the class…the only thing you will need at home is a pair of scissors! No experience is required. We go over all of the basics in each class and you can move at your own pace.

Creative Director & Designer: Dana Gray
Web Developer: Tim Lukacik